This immersive, multimedia experience will invite audiences to envision worlds beyond the limits of their present. Willie Mae students will present original 20-channel sound experiments alongside live performances from the Black Sound Salon and Wille Mae Alumni.
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Willie Mae Rock Camp Presents: Future Sounds Mixtape!
“‘As trailblazers, they're following in the footsteps of the real-life Willie Mae’" - Maureen Mahon via NPR
Join us in celebrating 20 years of Willie Mae Rock Camp, an ground-breaking music and STEM organization that believes imagination is the foundation for change and is committed to expanding possibilities for New York City’s girls and gender-expansive youth.
This interactive, intergenerational show is for all ages!
// Header photo by Photographer Lawrence Sumulong for Lincoln Center’s The Dream Machine Experience
Willie Mae Rock Camp generates new futures through music and technology, opening possibilities for girls and gender-expansive youth to express themselves while building creative and tech-based skills—with a focus on low-income youth of color.
Willie Mae Rock Camp (Willie Mae) was founded in 2004 by a group of female musicians, and was among the first rock camps for girls in the U.S. Just as music is about breaking down boundaries, Willie Mae expanded far beyond the original “rock camp” identity, while growing programs, service sites, and number of students. The organization’s name and ethos celebrates Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton, a music pioneer who transgressed the gender and racial barriers of her time.
Celebrating 20 years of programming in 2024-25, Willie Mae Rock Camp’s year-round arts education programming fuses music, technology, and STEM to empower girls and gender-expansive youth across New York City to develop their creative voices and excel as leaders and changemakers in a tech-driven future. Programs reach girls and gender-expansive youth ages 10-17 through in-school music education (grades 6–12), afterschool digital mentorship programming, community workshops, and summer + school break camps. Alumni fellowships and events extend WRMC’s impact to adults of all ages.
The Black Sound Salon is an adult tech/experimental sound collective that meets bi-weekly to improvise, create, and skillshare at Willie Mae Rock Camp's Creative Sound Lab in Brooklyn. The collective is rooted in the rich traditions of blues, spirituals, and Afro-diasporic music. This dynamic group explores the intersection of past, present, and future, creating futuristic soundscapes that delve into themes such as time travel, prayer, meditation, and the ecstatic traditions of African American culture. The Black Sound Salon also mentors the Willie Mae Future Sounds youth ensembles, forging intergenerational exchange, artistry and innovation.