In 12 Easy Songs, Theo Bleckmann will set found texts found all over New York City. The project aims to celebrate the diversity, absurdity, and poetry embedded in the New York’s urban landscape, through the lens of Bleckmann’s melancholic and playful approach.

November 15, 2024
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Theo Bleckmann is renowned for his vocal agility, precision and his ability to push the boundaries of conventional genres. This proposal seeks to harness Bleckmann's creative prowess in crafting a musical narrative that echoes the heartbeat of New York City, drawing inspiration from the rich tapestry of language found within its streets, stores and overheard conversations. 

There will be “12 songs”, one for each key, and they claim to be “easy” - inspired by German composer Hanns Eisler, Bleckmann aims to reduce complexity in favor of lyricism and mystery. 

// This program is generously supported by Kevin Dolan.

Theo Bleckmann: voice & effects

piano: TBA

saxophone & effects: Timo Vollbrecht

electronics: Joseph Branciforte

About Theo Bleckmann

New York based Theo Bleckmann is a multi GRAMMY® nominated vocalist, composer and ECM recording artist who has recorded over 17 albums and collaborated with artists such as Ambrose Akinmusire, Sheila Jordan, Kneebody, Ben Monder, John Hollenbeck, Phil Kline, David Lang, Ulysses Owens Jr., Bang on a Can All-Stars and, most prominently, with Meredith Monk since 1994. Bleckmann has been interviewed by Terry Gross on NPR’s Fresh Air and performed on the David Letterman show with Laurie Anderson. He has consistently appeared in top spots in DownBeat polls, and is a recipient of the prestigious JAZZ ECHO award from the Deutsche Phono-Akademie in his native Germany. Most recently he released an album with the celebrated brass quartet ‘The Westerlies’, toured Finland with the Oulu Symphony Orchestra and UMO Jazz Big Band performing his repertoire and own compositions. Most notably, Pulitzer-Prize-winning composer David Lang wrote a monodrama for Theo Bleckmann which was commissioned by the Japan Society and directed by legendary actor/director Yoshi Oida. The entire production was taken to Tokyo in Feb of 2023. A recording of it will be forthcoming. A new recording for ECM is also in the planning with Bleckmann’s new group tether trio.

Nov 15

Theo Bleckmann: 12 Easy Songs