Comedian and Violist Isabel Hagen comes together with her funniest comedian friends as well as some of her favorite musicians for a high-energy and hilarious night of comedy and music.

October 24, 2024
7:30 pm
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Isabel Hagen is a stand-up comedian and classically-trained violist. Every little girl’s dream. As a stand-up, she has been featured on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and as a New Face of Comedy at the Just for Laughs festival in Montréal. Isabel started stand-up immediately after earning her Bachelors and Masters degrees in viola performance from the Juilliard School. 

As a violist, Isabel has played in the orchestra for several productions on Broadway including Les Miserables, Fiddler on the Roof, and Rocktopia. She has toured internationally and performed and worked with numerous artists such as Björk, Ed Sheeran, Max Richter, The National, and Steve Reich. Isabel has appeared multiple times with musical guests on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

Isabel is also a filmmaker whose web series IS A VIOLIST can be seen on YouTube. She is currently in post-production for a feature film inspired by the series which she wrote, directed and starred in.

Oct 24

The Isabel Hagen Comedy and Variety Show