Heavily inspired by the maritime, Motyka’s newest album, Aquamarine infuses many different genres including surf rock, electronic music, ambient music, jazz fusion, shoegaze and more. It features a nostalgic sound meant to reminisce on summers past.

September 7, 2024
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Motyka is a project started in 2017 by New York based singer/songwriter and producer Brian Schuh. Having started primarily as a solo project, Motyka has expanded into a collaborative effort over the course of 4 albums Independence Day (2017), If All I Do is Wait (2019), By Keeping Spring (2021), and forthcoming album, Aquamarine. Motyka strives to blend an eclectic blend of genres into a singular sound.

Heavily inspired by the maritime, Motyka’s newest album, Aquamarine infuses many different genres including surf rock, electronic music, ambient music, jazz fusion, shoegaze and more. It features a nostalgic sound meant to reminisce on summers past.


Ranch Hands is a Queens based folk/americana band led by songwriter Jack McGuire. Their first ep Figure this Out "resonates with beauty, exuding an alt-country essence heightened by outstanding performances across the board..." was released in November 2023 and was named best EP of November by smallalbums blog and top album on Pitch Perfect. Their newest release Big Softie is out now on all streaming platforms.

Sep 7

Motyka: "Aquamarine" Album Release Concert with support from Ranch Hands