Miranda Cuckson and Stewart Goodyear perform the latter's latest composition for violin and piano. Mr. Goodyear was inspired to write this work especially for the extraordinary musicianship and virtuosity of Miranda Cuckson, and together they bring a collection of pieces that pay homage to the salon pieces of the 19th century but in the lens and soundtrack of the 21st. Calypso, reggae and rock shake hands with romances, waltzes, polkas, and fantasias.

October 26, 2024
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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About Miranda Cuckson

Miranda Cuckson delights audiences with her performances of music ranging from older eras to the newest creations. An internationally acclaimed violinist and violist, soloist and collaborator, she enjoys performing in venues large and small, concert halls and casual spaces. She has been a featured artist at places including the Berlin Philharmonie, Suntory Hall, Teatro Colón, Cleveland Museum, Art Institute of Chicago, San Francisco’s Herbst Theater, St. Paul Chamber Orchestra’s Liquid Music, 92NY, and the Ojai, Bard, Marlboro, Portland, Music Mountain, West Cork, Grafenegg, Wien Modern, Frequency, and LeGuessWho festivals.

Miranda made her Carnegie Hall debut playing Walter Piston’s Violin Concerto No. 1 with the American Symphony Orchestra. She recently premiered Georg Friedrich Haas’ Violin Concerto No. 2 at the Vienna Musikverein with the Vienna Radio Symphony, and with the Tokyo Symphony, Orchestra of Casa da Musica in Porto, and SWR Symphonieorchester in Stuttgart. She also recently premiered the Violin Concerto by Marcela Rodriguez with the Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional at Mexico City’s Palacio de Bellas Artes.

Miranda is a member of the interdisciplinary collective AMOC and director of non-profit Nunc. She has curated programs at National Sawdust, the Contempo series in Chicago, and Miller Theatre in New York. While dedicated to the Western classical repertoire, Miranda has also given innumerable premieres and she collaborates with promising young artists and the most renowned composers of our time. Her numerous, lauded albums include Világ featuring the Bartok Solo Sonata with contemporary works; a live recording of the Ligeti Violin Concerto; Korngold and Ponce concertos; music by 20th-century American composers; Bartók, Schnittke, Lutoslawski duos on ECM Records; on Urlicht Audiovisual, Melting the Darkness, a celebrated album of microtonal/electronic music, and Luigi Nono’s La lontananza nostalgica utopica futura, named a Recording of the Year by the New York Times.

Miranda teaches violin and chamber music at Mannes College/New School University. She studied at the Juilliard School, from which she has a doctorate degree.

About Stewart Goodyear

Proclaimed "a phenomenon" by the Los Angeles Times and "one of the best pianists of his generation" by the Philadelphia Inquirer, Stewart Goodyear is an accomplished concert pianist, improviser and composer. Mr. Goodyear has performed with, and has been commissioned by, many of the major orchestras and chamber music organisations around the world.

Last year, Orchid Classics released Mr. Goodyear's recording of his suite for piano and orchestra, "Callaloo" and his piano sonata. His recent commissions include works for violinist Miranda Cuckson, cellist Inbal Segev, the Penderecki String Quartet, the Horszowski Trio, the Honens Piano Competition and the Chineke! Foundation. Mr. Goodyear's discography includes the complete sonatas and piano concertos of Beethoven, as well as concertos by Tchaikovsky, Grieg and Rachmaninov, an album of Ravel piano works, and an album, entitled "For Glenn Gould", which combines repertoire from Mr. Gould's US and Montreal debuts. His recordings have been released on the Marquis Classics, Orchid Classics, Bright Shiny Things and Steinway and Sons labels. His newest recording, Adolphus Hailstork's Piano Concerto with the Buffalo Philharmonic under JoAnn Falletta, was released in March 2023 on the Naxos label. 

Highlights for the 2024-25 season are his performances at the BBC Proms with the Chineke! Orchestra, performances at the Rheingau Musik Festival, and performances with the Vancouver and Toronto Symphonies, the Indianapolis Symphony, the Rochester Philharmonic, Frankfurt Museumgesellschaft, and A Far Cry in Boston.

Oct 26

Miranda Cuckson and Stewart Goodyear