As part of the National Sawdust program Measha and Aaron will perform “Zombie Blizzard”, a new song cycle that Aaron composed, setting Margaret Atwood’s poems to music. “Zombie Blizzard” has a unique blending of the classical concert aria and jazz-influenced art song where Atwood’s lyrics tackle issues of sexism, humour, gender inequality, and grief.

October 28, 2024
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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About Measha Brueggergosman-Lee

World-renowned soprano and JUNO award-winner Measha Brueggergosman-Lee is the artist in residence for the Canadian opera company, Opera Atelier and holds several honorary doctorates and ambassadorial titles with international charities. Measha Brueggergosman-Lee’s engaging personality, exceptional musicianship and powerful voice have taken her to the major orchestras and concert halls of every continent. She has presented innovative programs at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York, Washington’s Kennedy Center, London’s Wigmore Hall, Vienna’s Konzerthaus and Musikverein, Madrid’s Teatro Real, to name a few. She is the recipient of a 2024 Governor General’s Award for Lifetime Achievement in Classical Music.

About Aaron Davis

Aaron Davis is an eclectic composer, arranger and pianist who has worked with many of Canada’s finest musical talents. He was a founder of the band Manteca and is a founding member of the Holly Cole Trio with whom he’s been playing, arranging, recording, and touring the world since 1986.  He’s also composed film scores for over 120 movies and created orchestral and chamber arrangements for many artists, including Art of Time Ensemble, Alison Krauss, Natalie McMaster, the Canadian Brass and the Hannaford Street Silver Band. Aaron has co-produced four of Measha Brueggergosman-Lee’s CDs and co-directed the music of her film Songs of Freedom. Aaron is the recipient of two Juno Awards and two Gemini Awards.

Oct 28

Measha Brueggergosman-Lee and Aaron Davis with jazz trio and brass ensemble