Media Art Xploration (MAX) and National Sawdust co-present MAXlive 2023: Where Is My Body? Artist-choreographer Kate Ladenheim falls repeatedly to various pop songs and you, the audience member, rate her level of commitment to falling.

National Sawdust
November 9, 2023
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Artist-choreographer Kate Ladenheim falls repeatedly to various pop songs and you, the audience member, rate her level of commitment to falling. Haunting and humorous at once, Ladenheim takes your feedback into account as she attempts to improve her falling, making herself into a playable avatar. All the while, her movements in each fall are monitored by motion capture and projected as digital avatars accumulating in piles behind her. By ceding some control of Kate’s body to you, mediating that control through various machines and programs, and punting an interpretive task back out to you in a reinforcing feedback loop, this performance asks who is more vulnerable, the judge or the judged? Who is in charge of the body in a technologically mediated world?

Festival Passes are currently available for purchase; click 'Buy Tickets' to learn more.

About Maxlive 2023

Media Art Xploration (MAX) and National Sawdust co-present MAXlive 2023: Where Is My Body?, a festival of music, dance and interactive performance that intersects with technology and science in exciting, exhilarating, and provocative ways. Through beauty, humor, violence and augmented virtual realities, these interactive works open up new portals of performance. Take your pick of a world premiere of new music, groundbreaking dance, or a cabaret where you conduct a science experiment.

The MAXlive 2023 will showcase creations from the MAXmachina laboratory program, where artists have been experimenting with performance, science, and technology.

About Kate Ladenheim

Kate Ladenheim is a choreographer, media designer, and creative technologist. Her work spans interactive installations, media design, performance and robotics. She researches bodies in motion and how they impact and are impacted by systems of social and technological pressure. Ladenheim holds an M.F.A. in Media Design Practices from ArtCenter College of Design. She has conducted research in motion interfaces for robotics design at U.C.L.A., and was the 2019-2020 Artist in Residence at the Robotics, Automation, & Dance Lab at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Her artistic projects have been presented internationally, including at The Invisible Dog, National Sawdust, GrizzlyGrizzly, Brown University, Joe’s Pub at The Public Theater, The Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and The Performance Arcade (New Zealand). Her work has been celebrated in Dance Magazine as one of their “25 to Watch” and “Best of 2018.”

Nov 9

MAXlive 2023: Kate Ladenheim's COMMIT!