Celebrate composer Karen LeFrak with a program featuring works for solo piano, chamber ensemble, and the New York Premiere of the Miami Guitar Concerto. Featuring performances by Sharon Isbin, Forrest Eimold, Jeffrey Zeigler, Javier Diaz, Mariana Rodriguez, Rolando Morales, Victor Pablo García-Gaetán, and the Orchestra of St. Luke’s.

December 4, 2024
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Sharon Isbin, guitar

Forrest Eimold, piano

Jeffrey Ziegler, cello

Javier Diaz, Mariana Rodriguez, Rolando Morales and Victor Pablo García-Gaetán, percussion

Orchestra of St. Luke’s

Elizabeth Askren, conductor

Karen LeFrak is a New York-based composer known for her lyricism and dynamic compositions. Her works have been performed by renowned ensembles such as the New York Philharmonic, National Symphony Orchestra, and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. LeFrak’s compositions span solo piano, large orchestras, ballets, and children’s programs, with over 38 million streams across major platforms. She holds degrees in musicology and upcoming projects include a commission for the National Symphony Orchestra celebrating America’s semiquincentennial in 2026. A true Renaissance woman, Karen is also a published author of children’s books and serves on the boards of the New York Philharmonic and the Kennedy Center.

Dec 4

Composer Portrait: Karen LeFrak