In Uptown Nights: Convent to Wythe, Harlem Stage and National Sawdust band together in a cross-borough collaboration to present yuniya edi kwon, SUN HAN GUILD, and Bora Yoon.

February 16, 2024
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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Aligned by a mission to foster artistic experimentation and champion voices that are reshaping the landscape of new music for this century, Harlem Stage and National Sawdust band together in a cross-borough collaboration to present yuniya edi kwon, SUN HAN GUILD, and Bora Yoon.

On February 16, 2023, Harlem Stage presents silver through the grass like nothing, a work in progress solo by yuniya edi kwon, and even in the shadow of a retching fog, a new work by the SUN HAN GUILD.

On March 9, 2024, National Sawdust presents (( ( PHONATION ) )) a work of sound and visuals by Bora Yoon and R. Luke DuBois.

silver through the grass like nothing (in process)

yuniya edi kwon

With her intensity of presence, embodied musicianship, and fierce vulnerability, yuniya edi kwon creates performance work that is deeply felt, spiritually emergent, and “absolutely stunning” (The Wire Magazine). silver through the grass like nothing finds kwon stretching her capacities as a solo performer, creating an immersive world of sound, welcome & unwelcome shadows, entangled gazes, and fluid voices, within which she journeys as both messenger and message. The piece is a ritual convergence of continuums, including embodied story-singing, experimental music-theater, and emergent movement.

Connecting to the history of pearl relics (sari) and their keepers, as well as the true story of yuniya’s sudden, sibylline illnesses and their reverberant medical traumas, silver through the grass like nothing is an impressionistic, bardo-like meditation on sickness, grief, and the body’s incessant pull toward transformation.

is this
how to live

pearling in the eyes

silver through the grass
like nothing

even in the shadow of a retching fog (WORLD PREMIERE)

A ritual for grief and an opening for generosity, even in the shadow of a retching fog connects SUN HAN GUILD’s ecstatic compositional collectivity to the continuum of sinawi, or the improvisational music that flows through Korean shamanic rites. Drawing from the electricity that emerges when reconciling solitude and connectivity, the work features the ensemble’s masterful composer-improvisers Laura Cocks, Jessie Cox, Lester St. Louis, and Luke Stewart, with improvisational lighting designer Maggie Heath. Representing the next evolution in SUN HAN GUILD’s group practice, even in the shadow of a retching fog creates a dense and generative gravity, such that the invitation and transformation of grief can be liquid, embodied, and deeply enjoyed of grief can be liquid, embodied, and deeply enjoyed.

even in
the shadows
of a

there is silence
and there is the body,

About yuniya edi kwon

yuniya edi kwon (b. 1989 – also known as eddy kwon) is a violinist, vocalist, poet, and interdisciplinary performance artist based in Lenapehoking, or New York City. Her practice connects composition, improvisation, movement, and ceremony to explore transformation & transgression, ritual practice as a tool to queer space & lineage, and the use of mythology to connect, obscure, and reveal. As a composer-performer and improviser, she is inspired by Korean folk timbres & inflections, textures & movement from natural environments, and American experimentalism as shaped by the AACM. Her work as a choreographer and movement artist embodies an expressive release and reclamation of colonialism’s spiritual imprints, connecting to both Japanese Butoh and a lineage of queer trans practitioners of Korean shamanic ritual.


SUN HAN GUILD is a performance collective led by yuniya edi kwon. Inspired by the Spirit Worshipers’ Guild of early 20th century Korea, SUN HAN GUILD uses sound, improvisation, movement, and ritual performance to create spaces of intense presence and transformation. SUN HAN GUILD is composer-improvisers yuniya edi kwon, Laura Cocks, Jessie Cox, Lester St. Louis, and Luke Stewart, with lighting designer Maggie Heath.

Feb 16