Student CoLab is National Sawdust’s flagship education program for middle school composers and artists in partnership with El Puente Beacon’s Young Leadership Program. This concert is the culmination of the 3-month commissioning program, featuring performances by the students, new music, voice, bandola, cello, as well as visual art, all written and designed by the students.

May 19, 2024
5:00 pm
This event has passed

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Student CoLab is National Sawdust’s flagship education program for middle school composers and artists in partnership with El Puente Beacon’s Young Leadership Program.  

The program engages young people by using the power of music discovery to inspire interdisciplinary art-making which reflects their own experience of the world. With the aim that this journey of artistic discovery and self-expression empowers young people to have a voice on issues that affect them, while also enabling them to explore and fulfill their potential as creative beings.

This concert is the culmination of the 3-month commissioning program, featuring performances by the students, new music, voice, cello, bandola, as well as visual art, all written and designed by the students. Led by lead teaching artist Juana Luna, who is a cantora, songwriter and teaching artist for the Lullaby Project and Big Note Little Note, both at Carnegie Hall NYC. 

Teaching Artists and Performers:

Juana Luna National Sawdust Lead Teaching Artist, and vocalist

Mafer Bandola Teaching artist, and bandola

Gabriela Figueroa Teaching artist, and cello

Xufian Lumbi El Puente Teaching Artist

Sofia Quirno Visual Artist

Student composers and performers from the El Puente Young Leadership Program

Madison Harris

Christian McCullough

Serenity Brighton

Hailey Perez

Jennifer Campos

Wilmot Savice

Hevynn Bailey

Samantha Bonilla


Khloee Johnson


Melanie Cuadrado

Khloe M

May 19

Student CoLab