Join us for an unforgettable evening at the intersection of jazz and chamber music with Ravinia On Tour's Bridges Composition Concert. This captivating fusion of genres promises to spark the joy of jazz aficionados and classical music enthusiasts alike.

April 16, 2025
7:30 pm
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This performance features a stellar lineup of Ravinia Steans Music Institute alumni who seamlessly blend the improvisational spirit of jazz with the intricate textures of classical collaboration. Their program showcases original works and fresh arrangements that highlight the rich dialogue of instruments and traditions, composed by past Bridges winners Addison Frei, Jisu Jung, Zhengtao Pan, and Benjamin Ring.

The music of Bridges is cultivated from an annual competition for emerging composers held by Ravinia. Each winning piece is workshopped by the composers in collaboration with the Steans Institute Jazz directors--who have included Billy Childs, Rufus Reid, and Steve Wilson--and the house ensemble of Steans alumni, including tonight's featured musicians.

Longtime fans of jazz or classical music, or anyone interested in the interlacing of both genres, will find an immersive musical journey in the Bridges Competition Concert, celebrating the beauty of blazing past artistic boundaries into the realm of infinite imagination. Don't miss this chance to experience inspiring performances that will resonate long after the final note.

This is a seated performance.

The Ravinia Steans Music Institute is an international destination for exceptional musical talent, cultivating the next generation of classical and jazz musicians. Our world-renowned programs empower emerging professional pianists, string players, singers, composers, and jazz musicians to refine their craft, collaborate with peers, and elevate their musicianship to new heights. The Steans Institute provides more than artistic training--we are a community where talent meets opportunity, and passion becomes performance. 

Rannveig Marta Sarc, violin

Claire Bourg, violin

Robert Switala, viola

Alexander Hersh, cello

Greg Ward, saxophone

Glenn Zaleski, piano

Dan Chmielinski, bass

Kenneth Salters, drums

Addison Frei, Comment on War

Jisu Jung, Moment to Journey

Benjamin Ring, Mental Gymnastics

Zhengtao Pan, Mirror, Floating on Water

Bridges + Jazz Program Leadership

Billy Childs, Co-Artistic Director

John Clayton, Co-Artistic Director

Steve Wilson, Co-Artistic Director

Ravinia Steans Music Institute Administration

Jeffrey P. Haydon, President and CEO, Ravinia Festival

Alejandra Valarino Boyer, Director

Arielle Basile, Assistant Director

Jalen Scott, Manager

Apr 16

Ravinia on Tour: Bridges Competition