In Timbalooloo, instruments come to life and speak through their music, so that children learn to conceive of music as a dialogue amongst instruments and feel empowered to express themselves in the language of music. For this concert, Etkin invites Iranian musician Mehrnam Rastegari, a virtuoso of the Kamencheh—a Persian stringed instrument related to the violin. Clara will meet the Kamencheh and the Persian percussion instruments as they take the children on a journey full of song and dance.

November 17, 2024
11:00 am
This event has passed

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This interactive series is hosted by Timbalooloo founder Oran Etkin and his friend Clara Net (his clarinet). Each month, Etkin invites a different guest artist and Clara Net meets a new musical friend from another place in the world. Children discover new cultures through a lens of creativity, sharing and openness in a time when messages of fear and hatred are prevalent in society.


Photo credit: Jose De Holanda

Oran Etkin uses his art to build connections that often transcend generational and cultural boundaries, promoting the values of listening and creation in a world that often suffers from dehumanization and destruction. His new album, Open Arms, features several collaborations that he recorded around the world in Zimbabwe, Czech Republic, Turkey, Brazil, Canada and US. French newspaper Libération chose his Paris concert as one of the top 6 musical events of the year, calling it "A concert of weightlessness, class, spark, inspiration, and sharing. Magic uninterrupted… for such is the music of Etkin: sensitive to the exchange with the audience.” He has been described as “Ebullient” by the New York Times, voted #1 rising star clarinetist by DownBeat Magazine Critics Poll, and is featured on numerous recordings, including a Grammy Award-winning album. 

Etkin created an early-childhood music method called Timbalooloo, in which instruments come alive and speak through their music, inspiring children to express themselves by making their instruments come alive and speak the language of music.


Photo credit: Natalie Chitwood

Mehrnam Rastegari is a well-established Persian musician, award-winning film score composer, singer, violinist, and master Kamancheh player based in New York City. She has been featured in some of the most prestigious music festivals worldwide, including GlobalFest, Secret Planet, and Ragas Live Festival in NYC, Fajr Festival in Iran, the WOMEX in Finland, the International Competition in Kazakhstan, and more. She was a featured guest speaker at the TEDx event "Oasis: Existence in Nothingness." Furthermore, she has composed for over 10 feature films, theaters, and award-winning short films. Notably, "Dispirited" earned her the "Best Original Score" award from the Melbourne City Independent Film Awards (MCIFA),"A Poetess" also secured the "Best Persian Film" award at WMIFF, USA. She also contributed as a violin player to recording the music track "Mirage" for "Assassin’s Creed." Rastegari is the founder of "Mehrnam Rastegari Traditional Persian Band". She has also started a Rock Middle Eastern band named "Chogan", where she brings her originals, also some rearranged Middle Eastern folk music, and has garnered success.

Nov 17

Oran Etkin: Timbalooloo Jazz For Kids With Special Guest Mehrnam Rastegari