Featuring Princeton Atelier artists
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Take a deep dive into the world of spatial sound with hosts Laurie Anderson and Arto Lindsay, who will share installations, compositions, and performances by artists in the Princeton Atelier program. The recent course, taught by the two pioneering artists with composer Christopher Douthitt, explored non-traditional approaches to placing sound in space, giving special attention to the dynamics of short stories, parades, suspended grammar, psychic states, animal consciousness, and depth of field in sound and film. This Spatial Sound Lab will utilize the Meyer Sound’s Constellation® acoustic system and its immersive component Spacemap®, recently installed at National Sawdust.
Featured artists from the Princeton Atelier will include Kyle Barnes, Eli Berman, Christopher Douthitt (with Rosie K), Chaya Holch, Maya Keren (with Akiva Jacobs), Alina Kido-Matzner, Janette Lu, Matt McBane, Abbie Minard, and Bora Yoon. The Princeton Atelier, directed by NationalSawdust+ regular Paul Muldoon, brings together professional artists from different disciplines to create new work.
In collaboration with National Sawdust’s resident sound designer and technical director Garth MacAleavey, this Spatial Sound Lab will utilize the Meyer Sound’s Constellation® acoustic system and its immersive component Spacemap®, recently installed at National Sawdust.
About NationalSawdust+
NationalSawdust+, curated by Elena Park, is a lively performance and conversation series which brings together luminaries from across disciplines to share their passion for music and explore ideas, making surprising connections. It taps artists and thinkers from theater, film, visual art, literature, science, and beyond to create insightful, often topical, programs.
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(646) - 779 - 8455
80 North 6th St
Brooklyn, NY 11249