What do you do when you realize you have everything you think you’ve ever wanted but still feel completely empty? What do you do when it all starts to fall apart?
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What do you do when you realize you have everything you think you’ve ever wanted but still feel completely empty? What do you do when it all starts to fall apart?
In this NationalSawdust+ evening, Moby reflects on these questions in a candid and revealing conversation with writer, comedian, and actor John Hodgman. Twenty years after his milestone album Play, the iconic musician, DJ, and activist talks about the harrowing temptations that lie at the dark heart of fame. Moby’s shocking and riotous journey is chronicled in the second volume of his extraordinary life story, Then It Fell Apart, to be released in May.
Their conversation, including an audience Q&A, will be followed by Moby performing an acoustic song or two (please note: this event is not a concert) and a book signing. The event is presented in collaboration with McNally Jackson Books.
NationalSawdust+, a lively performance and conversation series curated by Elena Park, brings together luminaries from across disciplines to share their passion for music and explore ideas, making surprising connections. The series taps artists and thinkers from theater, film, visual art, literature, science, and beyond to create insightful, often topical, programs.
Photo of John Hodgman by Bex Finch
This program is supported, in part, by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council.
National Sawdust DEI/Anti-Racism Commitment
National Sawdust Code of Ethics
(646) - 779 - 8455
80 North 6th St
Brooklyn, NY 11249