Emel Mathlouthi is a Tunisian-American singer-songwriter, composer, performer and producer whose music has crossed time, countries and continents. Emel is working on the production of a fifth album, MRA, an ode to femininity and sisterhood carried by a close collaboration between women artists, musicians and producers from all over the world.

October 5, 2024
8:00 pm
This event has passed

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Emel Mathlouthi is a Tunisian-American singer-songwriter, composer, performer and producer whose music has crossed time, countries and continents. She rose to fame in 2012 with her protest song “Kelmti Horra” (My Word Is Free) from the eponymous album “Kelmti Horra” and was subsequently called the voice of the Arab spring. . In 2016, she performed Kelmti Horra at the Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony, marking a climax in her journey with this powerful song. Emel continues her exploration and develops a sound that is unique to her. An electronic music loaded with North African references, with complex rhythms and light-dark atmospheres, which is revealed in 2017 with the release of Ensen (Human), her sophomore album signed on the American label Partisan Records. In constant evolution, Emel pushed the frontiers of her universe even further in 2019 with the release of Everywhere We Looked Was Burning, a prophetic third album in which she embraces her taste for the English language and experimental and cinematic music. Also released on Partisan Records, this concept album and cycle of videos clarifies the purpose of the musician, confirms her talent as a producer and puts her at the forefront of the international scene. Emel is working on the production of a fifth album, MRA, an ode to femininity and sisterhood carried by a close collaboration between women artists, musicians and producers from all over the world. A play on words, MRA is the Arabic word for woman, and also an acronym whose meaning is to be revealed as part of the release of the album.

Oct 5
