Alicia Hall Moran brings an indoor ice-skating show to National Sawdust, featuring a quartet of exceptional performers and dynamic percussionist Jacquelene Acevedo.

September 15, 2023
7:00 pm
This event has passed

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We are excited to welcome back Alicia Hall Moran and her indoor ice-skating show featuring THE HANDS FREE, a quartet of exceptional performers (James Moore, Caroline Shaw, Nathan Koci, and Eleonore Oppenheim), plus the dynamic percussionist Jacqueline Acevedo, dancer Olivia Bowman-Jackson, ice dancer Sarah France, and guitarists Brandon Ross and Thomas Flippin. As one of our inaugural artists in residency, Alicia’s return tells the story of the evolution of our incubator of artist work through our residencies.

Alicia explores contact with ice as an experience and along with it, some traditional notions of ice skating. Her program embodies the spirit of National Sawdust, investing in individual artists and promoting their unique talents to the performing arts community.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to witness the magic of Alicia’s unforgettable songs for the ice in this ice-skating show and join us at National Sawdust for an unforgettable evening of artistry and athleticism.

Sep 15

Alicia Hall Moran: COLDBLOODED (early)