Brazilian drummer and composer Alex Kautz will celebrate the release of his new album “Where We Begin,” a project that represents unity between different cultures. Joined by a stellar ensemble featuring John Ellis, Chico Pinheiro, Helio Alves, Joe Martin and special guest Magos Herrera, Alex will present original music as well as arrangements of songs and themes as a creative platform for a multicultural musical conversation between Jazz, Braziliand and World Music.

November 1, 2024
7:30 pm
This event has passed

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About Alex Kautz

Renowned for his musicality, elegance and versatility, Alex Kautz stands out as a distinguished percussionist, educator, and composer. With an unwavering passion for jazz and world music, he has crafted a captivating and distinct musical voice and unique artistic expression.

As part of the NY competitive music scene for the last 16 years, Alex has played and/or recorded with some of the top artists in the industry including Tim Ries, Magos Herrera, Nilson Matta, Chico Pinheiro, Steve Willson, Lenny Andrade, Fabio Gouvea, Helio Alves, Victor Prieto, Robert Rodriguez and Michael Rodriguez among others.

In addition to his work with various artists, Alex has taken the lead in various projects where he combines the sounds of Brazilian music fused with jazz. Notably, he played a vital role as a co- founder of the collective ensemble known as "Trio Afora" and he has just released his new album, "Where We Begin," with Sunnyside Records this summer.

Nov 1

Alex Kautz Project: “Where We Begin” Album Release