Lynne Procope

Lynne Procope is a Cave Canem fellow and a 1998 National Poetry Slam champion. She is co-author of the collection, Burning Down the House. Her poems have been published internationally including in Drum Voices Review, The Inquisitive Eater, His Rib: Women’s Anthology, Bowery Women,The Last American Valentine, So Much Things to Say from the Calabash Literary Festival and the acclaimed Breakbeat Poets anthology. Her work also appears in literary journals including Pluck, Storyscape, Washington Square Review, the Boston Review and the Offing. Recordings of her performances can be found on Walled City Music Festival 2020, Pacifica, Indifeed and SpeakEasyNYC. She was a curator at the louderARTS Project and co-founding editor of Union Station Magazine. She is an NS artist in residence and editor of its Ideas Zone platform. In her last life she was Director of Raw Materials Research and Development for an (almost) billion dollar women’s clothing company.