I Rise Like the Phoenix (after Ami Dang’s “Tension, Tension, Release”)

By Imane Boukaila

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Imminent rise 
of the phoenix 
trusting hushed 
choruses trapped
calling - trespassing 

freedom troubling stillness 
possessed truth manifesting 
rebirth - reasoning awakening 

spirits chanting rights - ruthless 
histerical motions tormenting 
dormant dreams triggered

echoing striving hope 
resonating waves 
dancing healing
festive steady 
hymns tribal 
gurus leading 
truth - reaping 

daring hidden 
tucked treasures 
resuscitating hassles 
of the portals leading 
mistakes inclining tilted 
cracks trusting the opening 
trespassing the trials of the living 

I rise like the phoenix

About Imane Boukaila

Imane Boukaila is a 16 year old nonspeaking autistic poet, essayist, and songwriter who lives in Toronto, Canada. She is mostly known for, in her own words, "hacking language norms," from poetics to neologisms and "portraying motivating moods hoping to invite skeptics to boldly explore the periphery and void flase assumptions to consider the mind's titled potential."

Imane is also a collaborator at Dis-assembly, a podcast co-host with Canadian poet and artist Adam Wolfond, Dis assembly Inter Views, and the co-founder of Hear our Minds, an Art movement initiated by a group of nonspeaking friends and advocates whose mission is to work toward change to accept, acknowledge, respect, and includ the non-speaking autistic community.

Her work has been featued in Inflexions, Unrestricted Interest, Indie's Nest, Explicit Literary Journal, and RCAH Center for Poetry Michigan University. Her chapbook Truth OMG was recently published and she is currently finishing a prose book, Tressing Motions At The Edge of Mistakes and participating in a podcast on the theme of silence, soon to be released by RadioLab.