Free Tree Reef (Responding to Abalone by William Cashion and Ami Dang)
By Hannah Emerson
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
Love the lovely
kissing that is
treeing treeing treeing
needing the beauty
help yearning tree itself
reality trees itself yearning
towards the growing growing
growing become the beauty
that is treeing treeing treeing
become the freedom that is
growing towards the very beautiful
ground itself yes yes yes
Love the lovely
treeing that is
becoming the dream
tree yes yes
Kiss the jutting
freedom that grows
really trees into
trees trees trees
trees trees that grow
into the reef reef
reef that is growing
yearning to grow grow
grow grow grow tree tree
tree tree tree freedom yes
Hannah Emerson is the author of The Kissing of Kissing. She is also the author of a chapbook, You Are Helping This Great Universe Explode. Emerson is a nonspeaking autistic poet whose work has been featured in The Paris Review, Poetry magazine, The Nation, BOMB magazine, the Poetry Society of America, Literary Hub, and the Brooklyn Rail. She lives in Lafayette, New York.